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What Makes Stock Special

At Stock, we believe that a play based, team teaching approach will maximize the potential of all students. We believe every experience and interaction should be intentional, and will prepare students for future learning. We advance student learning and social/emotional growth through interactive play, project based, and hands-on, environmental learning. Stock is the only school in Chicago to earn the Early Childhood Award of Excellence for Teaching and Learning from the state of Illinois

At Stock, we are committed to providing inclusive and differentiated programs that nurture and support all of our students. As the first preschool in Illinois to implement the blended model of instruction, inclusion is deeply ingrained in our philosophy and practice. Stock stands alone in CPS as the recipient of The Early Childhood Awards of Excellence for Inclusion of Students with Special Needs from the state of Illinois. Our Diverse Learners are included in all school activities with their neurotypical peers.

At Stock, we believe that engaging parents in student learning is vital to student success. We support the parent and community connections by providing a Stock Parent University, special programs, volunteer and social opportunities.

In this unique Studio experience, students participate in a deep exploration of high quality materials and are invited to be curious, creative, and inventive! The material for their small group studies this year have included acrylics & watercolor, clay, light & shadow, and loose parts.

Music is provided weekly by a music therapist from the Chicago Center for Music Education. The program builds a foundation of experiences, which facilitates self expression and creativity for preschool children through rhythms, songs, and movement.
See a ChiME video HERE

A natural environment that encourages opportunities for sensory experiences, curiosity, creativity, and physical activity, while also promoting environmental stewardship and an appreciation for the outdoors. The outdoor classroom fosters a holistic approach to early childhood education that integrates nature into the learning process

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